- Genetic Marker Assisted Breeding
- Plant Molecular Biology Research
- Research on DNA Level of Plant
- Research on Microspore Embryogenesis
- Plant Genetic Engineering
- Plant Genome Editing with CRISPR / Cas9
- Plant Genome Editing with TALEN
- Plant Genome Editing with ZFN
- RNAi Mediated Plant Gene Silencing
- Overexpression of Plant Genes
- Arabidopsis thaliana Transformation
- Oryza sativa Transformation
- Zea mays Transformation
- Triticum aestivum Transformation
- Medicago truncatula Transformation
- Glycine max Transformation
- Gossypium hirsutum Transformation
- Nicotiana tabacum Transformation
- Solanum lycopersicum Transformation
- Brassica napus Transformation
- Solanum tuberosum Transformation
- Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) of Plant Genes
- Research on Protein Level of Plant
- Plant Epigenetic Modification Testing Services
- Sequencing-based Plant Breeding
- Plant DNA-level Sequencing Services
- Plant Genome De Novo Service
- Plant Whole Genome Resequencing Service
- Plant Reduced-Representation Genome Sequencing (RRGS)
- Plant Genetic Map Service
- BSA Trait Positioning of Plant
- Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Plant
- eQTL Analysis of Plant
- Plant Genetic Evolution Service
- Plant Pan-genome Sequencing
- Plant Whole Exome Sequencing Service
- Individual Selection Pressure Analysis of Plant
- Mixing-tank Selection Pressure Analysis of Plant
- Plant Whole Genome Survey
- Plant RNA Level Sequencing Services
- Eukaryotic Transcriptome Sequencing without Reference Genome
- Eukaryotic Transcriptome Sequencing with Reference Genome
- Prokaryotic Transcriptome Sequencing Analysis
- LncRNA Sequencing of Plant
- Plant Small RNA Sequencing
- Plant Circular RNA Sequencing
- Plant Comparative Transcriptome Service
- Plant Isoform-sequencing with Reference Genome
- Plant Isoform-sequencing without Reference Genome
- Ribo-seq of Plant
- Metatranscriptome Sequencing of Plant
- Plant Single Cell Level Sequencing Services
- Plant Epigenetics Level Sequencing Services
- Plant Proteomics Service
- Proteomics Qualitative Analysis in Plant
- Plant Protein Quantitative Analysis Service Based on Isotope Labeling (iTRAQ / TMT)
- Non-labeled Plant Protein Quantitative Analysis (Label-free / DIA)
- Plant Protein Targeted Quantitative Service (PRM / MRM / AQUA)
- Post-translational Modification Proteomics (PTMs) Service for Plant
- Plant Metabolomics Services
- Plant DNA-level Sequencing Services
- Other Services
- Plant CNV Analysis Service
- Plant Mutation Detection Service
- Plant Strain / Cell Level Services
- Plant Tissue and Cell Culture Services
- Plant Polyploidization Services
- Plant Haploidization Services
- Plant Phenotypic Analysis
- Plant Stress Response Indicators Analysis
- Plant Biochemical Analysis
- Plant Tissue and Cell Imaging Services
- Plant Disease Identification Services
- Plant Organelle Isolation Services
- Genetically Modified Plant Testing Services
- Seed Testing Services
Plant Genetic Map Service

Genetic map, or genetic linkage map, is a map calculated and constructed by gene linkage and recombination exchange values, showing the relative positions of known genes and/or genetic markers, or a linear arrangement of mutation loci that can occur on a chromosome. These markers can be physical traits or detectable DNA sequences, such as genes, RFLP, and specific single sequences. Each marker must be identified by a specific sequence site (STS). In plant genetic breeding, usually simplified genomes (such as RAD or GBS) are used to genotype the mapped population and construct a genetic map. Then, based on the high-quality genetic map, follow-up genomic scaffolds sorting and QTL analysis and other analyses are carried out.
With years of rich experience, Lifeasible provides plant genetic map service. We provide a one-stop service model. We complete a series of processes from sample extraction, quality testing, sequencing, biological information analysis to making reports.
Workflow of plant genetic map service
Analysis content
- Sequencing data quality assessment
- Align with reference genome
- Population SNP detection and annotation
- Genetic marker development and filtering
Screening of polymorphic markers between parents
Genotyping and Marker Filtering of Offspring
Screening of effective genetic markers
- Genetic map construction and map quality evaluation
The above figure marked completeness distribution statistics
Construction of linkage group
Drawing the linkage diagram
- QTL analysis
QTL analysis based on CIM model
Screening of significant sites
Drawing based on QTL analysis results
QTL interval mapping based on 2-LOD confidence interval
Functional annotation of related candidate genes in the QTL interval
Sample requirements
- Sample concentration≥25ng/μl, total amount≥6μg, OD260/280=1.8~2.0.
(The amount of DNA required is related to the number of libraries constructed and the type of library)
Project cycle
- The entire project generally takes about 2 months.
Feedback to customers
- Raw data
- A project report includes experimental process, instrument parameters, analysis methods and results, etc.
Service process
- Our experienced researchers help you with scientific plan design.
- The advanced illumina sequencing platform is used to quickly and efficiently read high-quality sequencing data.
- We have a high-performance computing platform, and use an efficient combination of DELL computing nodes and Isilon storage to achieve fast and stable sequencing data analysis and delivery.
- With the advantages of high speed, high density, and high quality, it has been widely used in the construction of genetic maps of various model and non-model organisms.
- Personalized customized package service.
※ For research or industrial use.
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