
Cloning of Plant Genes



Cloning of Plant Genes

Plant genes cloning, also known as plant molecular cloning or recombinant DNA technology, is the application of enzymatic methods. Firstly, DNA molecules from different resources are reassembled into hybrid molecules through (amplification,) restriction digestion, ligation and other operations in vitro. Then make it amplified in an appropriate host cell, and finally form a large number of progeny DNA molecules. Plant DNA cloning involves a series of molecular biology technologies, such as the acquisition of target DNA fragments of plant, the selection of vectors, the selection of various tool enzymes, recombination technology in vitro, host cell introduction technology and recombinant screening technology, etc. Because of the different choices at each step, there are different series of operations. Plant genes cloning is widely used in agricultural molecular breeding, such as develop molecular markers, study gene function, study the relationship between genes and phenotypes and others.


Lifeasible has established a complete plant genes cloning platform to help you carry out relevant experimental services.

Workflow of plant genes cloning

  • Obtain the target DNA fragment from crop
  • Choose a vector
  • Recombination of target fragment and vector in vitro
  • Import recipient cells
  • Recombinant screening

Provided by customer

  • Name and ID of plant gene
  • Plant tissue (greater than 100mg / sample, indicate the species information
  • PCR products (preferably above 5μg, indicate the concentration, with electrophoresis photos)
  • Plasmid (greater than 4μg / sample)
  • Vector (indicate the restriction site used for cloning)
  • Glycerol bacteria or puncture bacteria (indicate antibiotics and ensure high activity)

Provided by Lifeasible

  • Raw data and pictures of the experiment
  • Lyophilized powder of plasmid and puncture bacteria
  • Experiment report (experimental equipment, reagents, methods, results, conclusions)


  • We can match different DNA extraction methods according to sample characteristics.
  • We will provide many different vectors for you to choose from, and the vectors provided by us have clear information and can be used for other experiments.
  • After the project is completed, the results of two forms of plant gene cloning such as puncture bacteria and plasmid freeze-dried powder will be handed to you.

※ It should be noted that our service is only used for research.

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